Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Let My People Go

Dear person the devil is using to ruin my day.

Even though you have stepped over my line of privacy and made me feel highly uncomfortable.
I will not allow myself to be unkind or lose my temper.
I will not let my mind run away with what could happen as it has not happened yet.
And even if it does, I will not dramatize the situation and let you revel in my vulnerability or my act of madness.
I will simply
Limit the amount of time I spend in your company.
That means you will not know me as others know me and that in itself is a loss.
You will not be part of my victory. Nor will you witness or be confided in my darkest moments.
You will not be there to see my rise from the ashes because you are the one who put me there.
Now, this very moment,
You are taking my silence as weakness.
Mistaking it as you, winning.
There is no everlasting joy in reveling in anyone else's misfortune.

And No, I don't believe in ''Karma is a B*''
But I do believe in - Exodus Chapter 9:1

Let My People Go.

I am not yours to taunt, torture or mock
Not yours to tear apart with your friends and be the topic of the
week, month, year
I am not yours to enslave with your small- minded ideas
I am not yours to mold, teach
I am not to be schooled by you

I am not in competition with you in any way or shape or form
Do not categorize me with what you see
I have grown in this very second
Not with quotes
Not with friends
Not with family support

But by the Grace of God
who you say you serve
Serve with your judgement and slyness.

Let me go
You had no part in creating me
You have not been present for my life's journey

I Believe in Exodus 9:1
Let My People Go.

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