Friday, June 07, 2013

EyeLash Extensions Horror Movie

Yesterday I made the spontaneous decision to get false eye lash extensions. I'm a fan of them because I have really stubbly eyelashes and even putting eyeliner on makes them look really small. I tried them at my wedding and I had no need to put on eye shadow or mascara because of the ba bam factor. So I decided I will try the lashes that stay put for a whole month instead of buying eyelashes and storing them. That would be freaky.

I went to DreamNails in Cape Gate with my Sister- In- Law who was really interested in this process. I had no idea what to expect but okay off we go. I had to lay down on this heated bed (seriously need to invest in these for winter) which would of been comfortable if I had been lying on the pillow but I couldn't because the beautician needed that weird angle that gave me a neck cramp and a half. Very relaxing, you know. By nature, I stress quite easily but in a funny way. Like I literally laugh uncontrollably when I am stressed or nervous. So of course laying down while you are trying to TAPE my bottom lashes to my FACE. I will stress.

Trying to not laugh drained my concentration. I can't remember the exact song playing in the background. I do know this: It was an old song. A bad old song. It was annoying. It was on repeat. So my lashes are taped and stuff. I look like someone beat me up in a deserted alleyway. Nice. And she starts doing her thing. She glued the lashes on one for one. At first I thought she's putting reeds on my eyes. At times she pressed too hard it felt like reedy- ish. And me thinking: YES. Walk with trees on your eyes. And after a gazillion hours she's done.

Stabbing me with reeds are clearly not torturous enough. Let's unglue her lashes that got STUCK together. The pain. I would rather give birth again, To twins. Than experience that feeling. Gosh.
A picture for your benefit. unedited and everything.


Anyway: Here's me with darker hair and stubbly eyelashes

And this me with lighter hair and longer lashes.

P.S I Had a headache afterwards and looked as if I was crying for at least 3 hours straight. So for anyone really enthusiastic about doing this= Paracetamol and Dark Shades

This could seem really dumb to some people but I don't care
Why do you put plastic on your fingers? That's common.
(Don't GO for your lashes, Its Horrible)

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