Friday, May 31, 2013

Bye Bye May

Saying Goodbye to one of the toughest months I had so far in 2013. There are usually two phases that alternate in my life. One would be when I am wise, giving advice, revelling and basking. The other phase is the dirty work of growing wise through difficult experiences. The latter phase took its toll in the Month of May.
I have constantly been lecturing my Husband about playing for a club that can truly show his talent and dedication in Soccer yet I have failed to push myself in Dancing. I have been frustrated with my lack of growth which stems from training myself. In order to be the best you have to learn from those who are better than you. I mentioned in one of my blog posts that I would be taking a class doing Hot Yoga. That was an experience. Firstly, they talk in their own language, like they literally make up their own words. And they tell you to ''Go into the goddess  pose'' or ''Feel the earth pulling at your ribcage''. At first I was like ''Reneva, you REALLY need to stop putting yourself in such AWKWARD positions'' (literally and figuratively). But as the class progressed, there were positions I could not get my body to do. It felt GREAT. The determination to learn something that I did not know, To challenge my body to venture forth in unknown territory. Or just lay there in a steam room with my fringe making me look like Michael Jackson. I was perfectly happy to not know what I was doing. To not be the best in the class. To not have the desire to be the best.

MotherHood is the greatest journey possible. Rome is becoming so naughty and cute. He has the best smile. He likes giving me dirty looks and staring at my outfit as if I am wearing crap. He looks at everyone's plate of food. He eats biscuits, flings and juice. And seriously, my arms feel like I am picking up really heavy weights when I hold him. I always wonder Did I make the right decision working so soon after he was born? Will he know that I love him? Am I showing him the right way? I have to keep reminding myself that ''trying'' is the being the best mother. And that no matter what, I will be his MOTHER. That shifts everything. And sometimes that requires waking up at 5 Am and Leaving Work at 5. We all do it. Its not FUN. yet :)

There were many other things that took place this month which has made me grown up. But mentioning it, would require being unethical ;)

Cheers to a Beautiful Marriage, A Naughty ' n Gorgeous Baby and Hot Yoga

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