Thursday, February 28, 2013

Mind Over Matter

I think that most of us don't achieve our goals despite the fact that its in our reach because of our mindset. Its rumoured that Human Beings use a little more than 5% of our brains. That is a whole lot of brain wasted in our skull. I'm of the opinion that the other 95% is made up of clouds of negativity, doubt and insecurities. And that's just what it is Clouds. Gathering Moist and Air to make something substantial. Despite our outer and inner beauty, we choose to see that one flaw sometimes even a flaw we ourselves have made up.

And perhaps you don't want to be a negative person but your mind has become so accustomed to that way of thinking so that when you try to be more optimistic, you can't do it. It is too easy for you to fall back on being negative because circumstances and the mirror seems all to real.

And I'm the same.
I over think and analyse things to the point that I need others opinion to validate my decisions. To the point that I'm not sure what's real or not? The way we see ourselves often proves we are our own worst critic. 
For example, I am turning 21 Early April and I have achieved so much and accumulated so much happiness but I overshadow that with unrealistic expectations. I've been so hard on myself with losing my post- pregnancy weight that I would become frustrated and on edge. 

I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy
I have a husband who actually likes my new and improved curves
My size 30 jeans STILL fits maybe not as comfortable but I'm not unrealistically far from what I used to be
I am working on a healthier ME.

To keep negative thoughts at bay, when one pops up I make sure to counteract that thought with something more positive. 

Weigh being thin to the feeling of something greater like staring into your son's eyes. Your priorities will change.


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