Dear Friend
Maybe I know you for years
Months or A Bunch of Days
And perhaps that has influenced how long I have kept you around
Or how long you have kept me around
But its really time to hang up the
Forced Belly Laughs
The strained lunch Dates
and the Nicknames.
We've changed
Or we haven't changed at all
Maybe the same things in our lives have reached degrees of varying importance
Let's rather swap this effort- filled friendship for a polite hello in the mall than a
awkward wave or hostile glance at a mutual friend's party
Let's not have a Facebook war about #you've changed status's
I'm not angry at you
I left that with your cancelled plans and the fact that you talk only about you
And its not that I don't want to listen to your yet another crisis
Or even that you need to listen to mine
It's just that I don't even know your dreams or your heartbreak
I don't know what you struggle with and the thing you most proud of.
Why do I need to know the latest gossip in your life that's ever- changing
But I don't even know you.
Your retired friend
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