Harold Whittles.
Photograph was taken during Whittles first experience with his hearing aid.
His Expression...
I love love love this photo. His expression makes me extremely grateful for all I have. Senses are taken for granted amongst a list of many others such as Family, Your Spouse, A Job and probably the most important one, God. He'll always be there so I will go to church after a year, let me do my own thing. He'll always be there, so I will pray like I want to. No, this isn't the part where I say God won't always be there cause no matter what you do. He'll STILL be present.
You know how when you experience heartbreak because of rejection, betrayal or some disappointment. Maybe your boyfriend ignores you for no apparent reason, when your best friend's priorities include everything except your friendship. I guess God feels that pain and disappointment more acutely. He bothers to wake us up every morning, He changes our enemies hearts towards us. He provides money for our shopping trips. He makes sure we get safely from point A to Point B without any accident.
He even developed our hearing so we can listen to music and be transported into another world other than this one. He gave us eyes cause he wanted us to grow through the good, the bad, the ugly and beautiful things we see. He gave us the sense of smell to differentiate between the salty air of the sea, the stale air of school. He gave us the sense to taste so we will be able to taste bitterness and sweetness.
Take a moment. Look Around.
And just breathe and Be Thankful.
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