When wanting to be a fish of some sort, Pout your life away. When wanting to Look beautiful and actually capture a lovely picture do try the oldest trick in the book. This trick is called "Smiling''. A number of guys have stated that the pouting look is just not appealing in any way, shape or form. So Don't Do It. The pouting phase has continued even longer than the ''Keep Calm'' phase and seems here to stay. In the distant future, when your child wants to keep a photograph of his or her young Mom as a memoir and to their dismay finds every single picture with this disastrous pose. I am sure it will be devastating.
That is a little dramatic.
Nevertheless, you get my point.
A photograph serves as a visual memory of an event, happening or just the essence of someone's character. A photograph's purpose is not to document a human being trying to imitate an animal that does his or her job perfectly. No one can be a better fish than a fish.
To prove my point
Spot the difference
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